Highest quality single origin herbicide and pesticide free organic coffee beans
Proud to be H2S Free
Proud to be H2S Free

Proud to be H2S Free

Proud to be H2S Free

Coffee beans are very complex. Each bean contains more than 1000 chemical compounds. As beans are roasted, the chemistry of the bean is changed and flavor compounds are formed. That’s why it is so difficult to duplicate specific taste profiles. The slightest change in the humidity of the roasting room can affect the chemical reactions taking place in the beans.

Most coffee is roasted in metal drums over a natural gas fire. When the fumes from the fire interact with the coffee bean, hydrogen sulfide forms on the surface of the bean. When dissolved in water, hydrogen sulfide becomes hydrosulfuric acid, a weak acid. This is a corrosive compound that can be poisonous in large quantities. Over time, the hydrosulfuric acid is released from the roasted beans, but trace amounts remain.

At Franklin Coffee Company, we don’t roast over a natural gas fire. Our coffee is roasted in hot air so there is no hydrogen sulfide and, therefore, no hydrosulfuric acid. As a result, the coffee has less acid and a smoother taste. That’s why one customer recently said, “That’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had!” It is amazing how many people have never tasted fresh coffee. Once you try it, you’ll taste the difference.

So, if you are looking for a cleaner, less acidic cup of coffee, give ours try. If you are concerned about the trace amounts of hydrosulfuric acid in other coffees, you might like what we have to offer. If you want coffee that is roasted after you order, that’s our specialty.